Taking Care of Yourself

I like to imagine, that in the wider multiverse, there is a universe just to the left of my own. A place so similar that every breath is tinged with the familiar yet so  different as to be practically unimaginable. The vast majority of my stories take place there.


I also like to write stories to capture an indescribable emotion. Just to describe it in an impossible event, pull out the strings of its influence and attempt to bottle my own moments. I suppose it helps.

I also like pandan flavored snack cakes. Have you ever had a pandan flavoured snack cake. reader?


They’re good.

Here’s Taking Care of Yourself.

Note: An explanation for the complete lack of writings in the last few months. I have been writing but it’s been…jumbled. And all non-essential tasks have been put off because I just started college. Enjoy the story.